Employer: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Location: County Limerick
The Waters of LIFE Project aims to help reverse the loss of Ireland’s most pristine waters. The ongoing loss of high-status waters is among the most concerning, protracted and persistent water quality trend in Ireland. Other water quality trends have well-understood cause and effect, with detailed plans in place to mitigate impacts. More actions are necessary to protect pristine waters. Many of these waters are small, upland streams.
The Waters of LIFE project will establish a demonstration project to develop, test and validate effective integrated catchment management measures to reverse this declining trend.
The competition for the Project Administrator, Project Ecologist and GIS/Data Manager on the Waters of LIFE Integrated Project is now open for applications.
The Waters of LIFE EU Project office will be based in Croom, Co. Limerick.
Below are links to both the postings on Public Jobs and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage website.
Waters of LIFE Project Administrator
Waters of LIFE Project Ecologist
Waters of LIFE GIS/Data Manager
PLEASE NOTE. This is not a Maigue Rivers Trust project and we do not have any additional information to what is posted above.